Before we start

Welcome to FEET-NESS™, the Instructor Training Program that will give you all the tools to master the work on the feet, supplement it in your practice and teach group classes yourself. Your teaching philosophy will be enriched by adding a very important piece to the puzzle which will help you to be more efficient in your choices and your clients to be at their top fitness form.

Before we start I want to guide you through the program and give you a few suggestions on how to break down the work, making sure you have the chance to digest all the information and all the support you need to  complete the program. I want you to stick with me, learn as much as possible, complete the test and get the Diploma. You will have all the support you need to help you get started with your first FEET-NESS™ Class as soon as you are done.

1.    Learn the theory (the Manuals)

2.   Review the exercise videos

3.   Begin applying the work (and using the Rescue LOOP®) as soon as possible on yourself and your clients so that FEET-NESS™ will become a part of your tool box:

If you do all of the above, it will be natural and easy to teach the Feet-ness™ Class and, make the footwork and the Rescue LOOP®  an effective and important part of your training.


Here are a few suggestions on how to approach this online course. The parameters below have been set assuming you have a full-time job and that you don’t have an abundance of time to dedicate to the program every single day. If, you are lucky enough to be taking on this project while on vacation or transitioning between jobs, you’ll be able to go through the program much (much) faster!

How much time will it take to go through the Feet-ness™ Instructor Training Program?

There is not one answer to this question! The length of time taken to complete the program depends entirely on the amount of time you can dedicate each week. It will also vary according to your initial level of knowledge and learning style. That said, with dedicated and committed study you can expect to complete the program in 10 weeks. 

How should I approach the study?

The very first time you approach the program make sure you have a few hours available so that you can take your time to skim the manuals, see what you already know and what you will need to learn. Then, begin to review the e-books and the many videos with the exercises and don't forget to start playing with Rescue LOOP®! After this general overview you will be more aware of where you'll need to spend your study time..

How many hours per week should I carve?

I highly recommend, to cover 2 hours of theory and 2-2.5 hours of practice each week . If possible, it would be ideal to spread the practice over multiple days: 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. After you get more familiar with the exercise it’s advisable to just add them to your workout routine so that you’ll soon be able to execute all the exercises without the video support or having to look into the e-books.

Should I learn all the exercises?

Yes! Some will be more specific for certain pathologies or needs but as a trainer you should “play with” and experiment with them all! One day you will happen to work with a client that needs some specific exercise for Morton’s neuroma and if you know about the pathology and the best exercises for it, you will be able to give your clients what he/she needs.

How many times a week minimum should I log into my account?

Minimum once a week. Ideally 5 times a week!. As always consistency and repetitions are the best ingredients to make something part of who you are as a fitness professional. Dive into it and make it yours – don’t hold back!

Do I need to purchase Rescue LOOP®?

No. One Rescue LOOP® will be sent to you once you enroll in the program. After that, if you decide to purchase more for your studio or students you’ll be able to access discounted prices and wholesale packages. Contact us for more information.

When will I receive my FEET-NESS™ Instructor Diploma?

After you complete all the tests.

What does the test focus on?

The test will cover two main aspects: theory and practice.

Theory Test --> You will have to complete all the Quizzes that you find in the different sections of the program. These are simple questions about the anatomy, the most common pathologies, the movements and how to structure a class. The quizzes will consist of True/False and multiple choice questions (Beware that sometime more than one answer is correct. Check them all). Everything that is included in the quizzes, is in the manuals, no tricky questions.

Practice Test --> You will have to send us an outline of your FEET-NESS™ class (45-50 minutes long). Send us a word document with the “Plan for the class”. The video is NOT a requirement anymore but if you want to send it to us, we are happy to give you the feedback.

IMPORTANT: If you do NOT answer the quizzes and/or send us the outline of the class, we won’t be able to send you either the diploma or the PMA CECs.

What happens after I test and receive the Diploma?

Congratulations!!! Welcome to our community of FEET-NESS™ Trained Instructors!

You won’t be left alone, we’ll follow up with you and be in touch to make sure you feel strong and ready to go!

Will you help me get started with a FEET-NESS™ Class in my Studio and town?

Sure! In the marketing section of the Program you will find IG and Facebook posts (both images and hashtags) that will help you get started on promoting the class. We’ll be delighted to help you promote it within our community and through our social media channels and also list your class with all the details on our website ( )

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